Sexual Pleasure and Orgasm For a Better Sleep

Sexual Pleasure and Orgasm For a Better Sleep

Did you know that using sexual pleasure and orgasm can help you to sleep ? Indeed, according to multiple studies, orgasms can be a natural sleeping aid. So if you tried meditation, breathing techniques or other methods and nothing works, try this.

So you probably wonder, how could sex makes me sleep better? Well, the study called “Sex as Sleep Therapy” from Central Queensland University shows that this is due to the release of oxytocin after orgasm. Sex boosts the production of oxytocin and decreases the production of cortisol. Cortisol induces stress, so the decrease in production makes you feel calmer. These hormonal changes leave your body in a relaxed state, making it easier for you to fall asleep. Also, oxytocin is a feel-good hormone that helps you and your partner bond. It also acts as a sedative, and thus, reduces the time it takes to fall asleep. So it can be with your partner(s), alone with your hands or why not with your favorite toy! 

Personnaly, 'bedtime orgasm' is now part of my routine. It empty my mind from all the tasks that I have to do the next day or the ones that I haven't done today, makes me feel as zen as if I did a 20 minutes meditation and put me to sleep in less than 15 minutes. 

You probably think: «If I'm tired or stressed, I don't really feel like having sex.» ,and that's totally ok. I'm not here to push you to have sexual relations that you don't actually want to have. Respect yourself and your needs at first. Perhaps, if you're not closed to the idea even if your libido is low, why not giving it a try alone, so you don't feel any outside pressure. If you need a bit of motivation, take your vibrators, dildos, masturbators or whatever toys that make you feel good. Doesn't work? It's ok, give it a try maybe another day, maybe with a different approch, or a different room lighting, candles or even in your bath.

Reminder: If you're struggling with insomnia on a regular basis, that you have tried many things to fight it but it still plays on your mood and prevents you from accomplishing your daily tasks, talk to a health care professionnal. 

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